Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So my effort to start a blog and write about my trip to Ethiopia has failed. However, I am going to press on and not give up. Yes, I have been publically rebuked for having a blog and not writing on it consistently. While others would rebuke me if they even knew I tried to start a blog. So, either way here I go...

This past summer I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Ethiopia and serve with an amazing group of people. I have been asked by Mocha Club to explain why I believe "I need Africa more than Africa needs me".

The Mocha Club is designed to allow everyone (even poor state employees like myself) to make a difference in Africa. It is a simple $7 a month (cost of two mochas) and you can choose which project you would like to support.

One boy about 12 came up to me at the end when we were sharing the Gospel with me and he asked me where I was from.When I told him America he asked me what we wanted from them. I told him I didn't want anything from him - I just wantedto hang out with him. I told him that I love Jesus and I wanted to come and tell him that Jesus loved him too. He told me that he loves Jesus and was so happy that we were there. He asked me over and over to please pray for him and the peopleof Ethiopia. He told me that when he gets old he wants to be the Prime Minister of Ethiopia bec there is no equality ofpeople and he wants to change that. We left and went back to where the morning church was - about 3 miles down theroad. About an hour later I see this boy walk up - he walked in the pouring rain to find me. He brought me a picture of him to have. What an amazing testimony of this boys love and longing to be loved

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