Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12, 2009

I am so excited, thankful and overwhelmed to be writing this letter. As you know, I had the amazing opportunity to spend two weeks last summer in Ethiopia with the Mocha Club. God used those two weeks in my life to break, change, grow, challenge and restore me in ways that I never could imagine. After returning, there has not been a day that has passed when I haven’t thought about my time in Ethiopia. Every day I see the faces and hear the voices of the children I met. Every day I think of the orphans who do not know what it is like to be held while being fed a bottle. Every day I remember the mother and child bathing themselves in a mud puddle on the side of the road. Every day I hear the voice of the teenage boy who pleaded with me to pray for him and to never forget him. Every day I think of the women who told me I was a blessing from God. Every day I think of the children who had never used crayons before. Every day I remember the way I tried to teach children who spoke no English how to play Red Rover. Every day I remember the way children fought over who would hold my hand. Every day I remember the little girl who put her jacket over my head to shield me from the sun. Every day I think of the unexplainable joy I saw in their faces. Everyday my heart aches over the pain and suffering of the people in Africa. Every day I pray for protection, healing and salvation for the people there. Every day I dream of the day I will be able to return. God has given me a love and burden for His people in Ethiopia that is far beyond intrigue or pity.

God allowed me to see glimpses of His plan while in Ethiopia. One day a boy came to me with confusion in his eyes and began asking me questions. After asking me if I was from America he looked me in the eyes and asked me why I was there and what I wanted from him. Stunned by the rawness of his question I responded “I want nothing. Jesus loves me and I wanted to come here and tell you that Jesus loves you too.” There was no debate over creation. No questions of why he lives in a land with so much pain, poverty and death. There was no discussion over theology. In that moment when I looked that boy in the eyes all I could tell him was that Jesus loved him and that was enough.

After months of many open and closed doors, conversations, tears and prayers I believe that God is telling me to return to Ethiopia. For the first time the Mocha Club is taking a team to Ethiopia that will stay for an entire month. God has worked out many details in my life to enable me to join the team that will be in Ethiopia July 10 - August 8. I am excited about the opportunity to return to the same places and hopefully see many of the children I met last summer. We will be spending our time at many of the same places: orphanages, a transitional home for adopted children and a “day camp” for orphaned children. Also, as a result of last summer the Mocha Club has been given the opportunity to begin a ministry to street boys. These boys have ended up on the streets as a result of AIDS, poverty or simply because their life at home was far worse than life on the street. I have seen firsthand how so little can be so much in this country. Ethiopia is in great need of not only necessities like water, food, and education but also encouragement, an extra hand to hold a bottle, love and simply your presence. Africa, like many places, is filled with people who are hurting, sick, poor and corrupt. However, the saving grace and hope of Jesus Christ is powerful, real and is changing lives.

I have been extremely blessed by the love, encouragement and support of so many. I am so thankful that you have not only supported me over the years but that you are committed to the eternal advancement of God’s Kingdom. I was overwhelmed with the finical support as well as donations that I received last year. It was an amazing gift and honor to serve God’s people in Ethiopia on your behalf.

I am humbly coming to you again to ask for your financial support as well as your prayers. I must raise $4,150 by May 1. Checks can be made out to Africa Leadership and are tax-deductible. Donations can also be made on-line at (click on make a donation, enter amount in “other” and in the note box type “Mocha Club Mission Trip - Elizabeth Ford”). Please pray for me. Pray that the Lord will see fit to bring others to experience His saving Grace.

My hope is that you will be able to experience God’s power, love and grace through this trip as well. I want to try and communicate with you the ways that God is working during my time in Ethiopia. Therefore, I have started a blog so that you may follow along in this journey with me. Thank you again for all of your love, prayers and support that you have blessed me with over the years.

963 Missions
Attn: Mocha Club
10440 N. Central Expwy Ste. 122
Dallas, TX 75231

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