Monday, July 20, 2009

TIA- This is Africa

Have you ever seen Blood Diamond? If so you may be familiar with TIA. There are things that just don’t make sense in our “world” but here you just know that This is Africa.

A couple of logistics for those who are interested.

There is only power every other day. It is across Ethiopia as far as I can tell. The only way to have power is if you have a generator and even if there is a generator you never really know. When you go some place to eat it is always interesting as to what they really have because of the power.

Food is not so good. I am being careful bec I don’t want to sick. Sometimes the smell of this place or a restaurant will just send a wave of nausea. We will probably be eating at the hotel the majority of the week. The things to stick with are going to be fries, soup, pasta, bread. You can’t get much healthier than that! We had pizza twice in two days bec that is a safe bet. Chicken is ok sometimes but I stay away from other meat. I tried a chicken sandwich today and it looked so rough I didn’t have more than a bite. When I looked at “the same” chicken sandwich at the other end of the table it was totally different. TIA.

Water has been consistent so far and we have been able to take showers everyday. Hot water however is a different story.

The hotel we are at this week has mosquito nets hanging from the ceiling. So it should be an interesting week. It is really hot so the question is take a risk with the windows open and trust the net will do its job or just roast at night. I will probably open the windows and hope the net works.

There is no toilet paper in any public bathroom.

It is really hard to breath here. There are no restrictions on omissions on cars and trucks. There is a lot of air pollution. The altitude is also really high so that makes it hard to breathe also.

The scaffolding on the buildings for construction are sticks. It is amazing how they actually get that to stay up.

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