Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 1- Finally here

Landing in Addis Ababa today was an emotional time for me. As I began to see ground my eyes filled with tears. Some of it may have been that I had only slept 6 hours in the past two nights but mostly it is was because I couldn’t believe that I had finally made it back. It had been a year of thinking, praying, fund raising, planning, second guessing, figuring out, etc. and I was finally here.Add Image

The team is great and I am so excited about the coming weeks. There is so much I remember about being in Africa but still many things I had forgotten. One major thing I had forgotten was the smell. I can’t explain it but the smell just is like someone just punched you in the stomach. However, one thing I had not forgotten is the way you feel when you see little eyes look at you and their whole face lights up. These kids are amazing. They jump up and run to hug you or shake your hand they just want to be near you.

Today was a hard transition to go from one of the wealthiest cities (Dubai) to one of the poorest countries in the world. The contrast is heart breaking and honestly sickening. God is always faithful to me but it has been even more evident this past week. My doubts have been removed and a complete peace about being exactly where He wants me to be. There is just something about this place. It is a hard and painful process when God strips you of everything that stands between you and Him but what a glorious thing…. To Glorify God and enjoy Him forever. I am thrilled that God has brought me on such an amazing journey to know Him more and make Him known

1 comment:

Shay said...

Thank you so much for these updates! I feel like I am there! I wish I was with you! You guys are in my prayers!