Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 4 Nazaret- Women at Risk

Nazaret is kind of a transition town. Lots of hustle and bustle. People traveling thru. Lots of noise, pollution and people. Apparently, there are lots of Prostitutes as well. The number we have been given is about 5,000 women usually between the ages of 16-25. These woman have left home because of abuse, poverty, being kicked out of there home. Rarely have these women chosen to pursue prostitution bec they want to live that lifestyle of are enticed by money.

We have been in Nazaret all week and have spent our days with 11 women and their children at a rehabilitation center for women that are trying to leave behind a life of prostitution. I say women loosely. The women here are as young as 16. One of them does not even look 10 years older than their daughter. Each morning we went and met the women for bible study. We spent the time with a devotion, singing and testimonies. They sang songs for us and it was a great time of worship together. Even though we could not understand what they were singing is was wonderful just hearing and seeing them praise God. We sang a couple of songs for them and Americans (esp white Americans) just don’t have the rhythm and soul that they have. It was very weak compared to their songs! I have some awesome video that I can’t wait to upload. After singing we had a devotion. Everyday except one the staff from the center gave the devotion. The other day they asked one of us to speak so after awkward silence I volunteered. It went well. It was challenging at times bec you have to wait on the translators but other than that it went well. After devotions we had 2 members of our team and 2 of the women give their testimony. It was such an amazing and special time hearing their stories. They were so open and vulnerable with their lives and their past. They each shared stories of the death of mothers and fathers, physical and sexual abuse, rejection, poverty, abortions, being possessed by evil spirits, war, and not being able to keep their children. All of them eventually ending up living a life of prostitution in an effort to flee their unbearable life. They would live in the back of bars and work the bars in the evenings. Over time each of these women had made their way to the rehabilitation center. For some it was their first time there and for others they had tried to leave the life of prostitution many times before. Tragically the choices that each of them has made has will ultimately lead to death. At least 2 of 11 shared that they are HIV positive and I am sure that there are many others that are infected. Both of the women have children… one is negative and the other is HIV positive. Each of these women must go thru the 12 step program which includes counseling. They are given a monthly budget and are able to pay for rent with that money. They come to the center and have bible studies, group therapy, individual counseling, day care, cooking classes, arts and crafts, and learning other household and daily skills that they were never taught.

This center has been a life blood for these women. Women who have become outcast from society, rejected by their families, left with no resources or ability to provide for themselves now have hope. Women who had no where to go, no where to teach them life skills, no one to love and accept them and most importantly no one to share with them the love, grace and forgiveness of Christ. These women have been given an amazing gift thru the women that work at the center. They have been taught that Christ has offered forgiveness, acceptance and righteousness. They now have hope. Life. A future. I heard women bear their souls and tell virtual strangers the most intimate details of their lives. I watched as their eyes filled up with pain, sadness and embarrassment. I listened as they told us that they once believed that God did not love them or that they were being punished. I saw them cry as they told us about their doctor giving them the news that they are HIV positive. I cried with them as they explained that their baby is also HIV positive. But it did not stop there…. My heart rejoiced as they explained the forgiveness and love that they have received from their Savior. I prayed over them as they shared that the tears they are crying are not from the pain of the past but the hope for their future. I praised God as they shared that they have been given a new life… that they are now a new creation.

This past week was an unbelievable week. I was so honored to hear their stories and to be encouraged by their faith. They are humble and broken women who are seeking after the Lord. They rely on Him desperately to give them grace and strength to continue to change their lives. As hard as it was to hear these painful stories there was also something so freeing about being with these women. There is freedom in the utter desperation for something greater than themselves. There pleas to be forgiven and restored. I see these women and do not have pity on them but actually envy them. I so envy their brokenness, humility, love, desperation, love, acceptance, joy, freedom, hope and ability to rejoice and give praise like nothing I have ever seen before. I am so thankful for these women. I am thankful that while my life circumstances have not been the same as these women God has saved me from a life of utter desperation. Thank you for praying for my time with these women and their children. I can’t wait to be able to share with you pictures and video of my time with them. It is amazing how God uses those who are seen as the lowest of the low to bring blessing and hope to so many. God is at work within these women and the town of Nazaret. Thank you for being a part of the work that He is doing. Please continue to pray for these women as they have a long and difficult journey ahead of them.

1 comment:

lesli said...

oooohhhhhh, i sooo wish i had been there for this week....!!!!!

thank you for the post...for the love i can feel you have for them...and for the love you showered upon them while you were there!!!

i sooooo love you, elizabeth!!!