Saturday, September 13, 2008

Follow Up Support Letter

March 18, 2008
I wanted update everyone on my support raising. Thank you all for your prayers and donations. Asking for money is a very humbling experience for me. As I have said before, this trip would not be possible without your support. I am so thankful to have each of you in my life.

I thought I might share more details of my trip. I will be leaving around July 15 and will be in Ethiopia for 10 days. The exact dates are not yet finalized in an effort to maximize our time on the ground in Africa. The team I will be traveling with consists of about 10 people - mostly from the South (some with very strong accents which will be interesting!). The entire team will meet in Dallas, TX for a day of training before traveling to Ethiopia together. I am thankful that we will be traveling as a team as that will hopefully cause less confusion upon landing.

While in Ethiopia, we will be dividing our time between various local ministries. The majority of our time will be spent in the capital city of Addis Ababa. Upon arrival we will be volunteering at Hannah’s Orphanage which houses orphans from infants to adolescents. We will then be spending the next few days volunteering with a program that serves as a day care/after school program for children who have been orphaned but are now living with various family members. Finally, we will travel outside the city to Ambo. This city is home to an organization that houses children who are in the process of being adopted. Most of these children have been orphaned by AIDS, while others have fallen victim to war, famine and poverty. I can’t imagine the amount of pain, confusion and hopelessness that these children feel even at such a young age. I feel honored to enter into these small children’s lives. I am very excited for the opportunity to be God’s hands and feet in Ethiopia even if only for a short time.

As of today, I have raised just under 50% of my funds. I still must raise approximately $1,600. Thank you all to those who have graciously given support for my travel. Please pray that God will continue to meet the deadlines of support raising. I also ask that you will pray for me as I prepare for this trip physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Please pray for my team that we will become unified by getting to know a little about each other over the next few months. Pray that I will be able to see God’s powerful presence in a land of darkness. I pray that I will experience a view of God that I never knew existed.

Thank you all for being a partner in the Gospel. I think Caedmon’s Call says it best “He doesn’t need me but He lets me put my hands in. So we can see His love is bigger than you and me.” I look forward to sharing stories of God’s work, mercy and love with you when I return.

By His Grace,

1 comment:

The "W" Family said...

Hey Elizabeth, I enjoyed reading a little bit about your mission trip to Ethiopia. It sounds like God is doing big things in your life. Thanks so much for your sweet comments and prayers. I'm glad I found you on facebook!