Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Letter from Ethiopia

The boy that I met while in Ambo has sent me a couple of letters since I have been home. This letter makes me cry everytime I read it. It has finally hit me the the people in Ethiopia especially this boy long for nothing more than to be loved. He says over and over that he is so thankful for me and everything I have done for him. However, in my mind I did nothing for him. I talked to him a few times, loved him and gave him a hat. But in his eyes I loved him (which I still do), listened to him, gave him hope and encouraged him in his love for Christ. For me he gave me so much more. This is the same boy that is written about in the previous post.

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

love that he wrote you, love that you had an impact and love that you are willing to place your life on hold to go back to where you've been callled!!!!